the Violin Studio
A place to pursue your musical aspirations…
Trumpet lessons in Ottawa are given by Aaron Young who builds upon his 20 years of playing experience. He relays the lessons learned in University and beyond from renowned trumpet instructors and from his own professional career.

Aaron’s students range from young beginners to full-time professional players. Each week, lessons progressively build upon such fundamental components as:
- Warm-up exercises
- Trumpet technique
- Conditioning
- Repertoire
- Musicality
- Jazz theory
- Jazz improvisation
Aaron Young and Dave Monette
Aaron and master trumpet maker Dave Monette
Wether you are interested in taking weekly lessons or would prefer to drop-in periodically for a check-up and some invaluable pointers, Aaron loves to meet aspiring trumpet players of all ages.
© 2017 the Violin Studio, Ottawa, Canada